wanna get hugged too?
title: common tests i'm gonna miss you pat ): YAY COMMON TESTS ARE OVER DONE GONE :))))) it was really a huge relief man surprisingly geography went okay God blessed me i'm hoping that i won't get any Es or worst hmm after the geography paper that ended at 9am, we went to macs for breakfast then i headed home to: read magazines play computer watch gossipgirl sleep haha as a result of coming outta the house late and the frigging bus taking ages to come, i was late for polo training but thankfully, no one got punished or anything but actually the training itself was punishment ack. later i met up with cherie and we caught up over a meal at yoshinoya where there's this ADORABLE little kid that kept looking over, then he'd wave back at you when you waved and cover his face with his hands when you look at him and peep at you between his fingers two words: SO CUTE! met joel there too i found the suspenders i wanted for $5 at far east, way below my budget ;) and went home a satisfied person more or less anyway there's really lots of shows to catch this week like: hannah montana the suite life of zac & cody narnia yang sisters so you think you can dance america's next top model ITS FANTASTIC i love TV current state of the union IN polo TV esp disney channel drama comedies suspenders magazines standing out OUT common test holiday HW scarves textbooks blending in maybe i'm just dreaming out loud |
title: KAP OG tuesday
well i went to kap to studying with my sec4 chemistry tuition mates and i think i ended up laughing mpre than studying. its hilarious. colin won't stop talking and ben just keeps doing random wacky things. like he was still sleeping when we were all at kap already and came late. then he took out this bag, took out a package from it and opened it only to reveal a stack of ham. we were all cracking up with laughter and he went:"you want?" to colin like its normal to see some guy offering ham to you just like that! then he took out a carton of barley and drank straight from it. colin and ben kept on taking each other's ipod to play. i was practically the only one studying. when colin refused to return ben his ipod ben took colin's ipod and turned the volume up. then colin immediately yanked his ear pieces off and ben took his ipod back. like wth! there were so many many people at kap, ben's gang, stmarg's peeps, sajc soccer dudes, cjc and acjc people, crescent, sji etc etc and a 9.9 guy. this is really funny: ladies and gentlemen, blackeyed mosquitoes and bowlegged ants i stand before you today as i sit behind you to tell you something that i know nothing about one day, in the middle of the night two dead boys got up to fight they stood back to back as they faced each other drew their swords and shot each other a deaf policeman heard the noise he went over and killed the two dead boys now if you don't believe this lie is true ask the blind man if he saw it too wednesday hmm it was OG17 outing and i organised it the turn out was great, like over 10 people even those not from sajc came and as always, og outings are always so fun and cranky we met at heeren at 1pm jiacheng came first and was wearing those no degree 3 for $10 specs cause he thought it was cute and that gave me a hard time recognising him then linyu brenda and quim came apparently linyu fell (it was raining) and quim kept going on about it to anyone who would listen she like fell and her shoes flew off or sth anw her butt was wet and she had to cover with her jacket! jerald was hilarious, he said he was that wet when he was walking in the rain but when he stepped under a tree the rain poured down on him haah he's so funny the last time he was standing on the second floor in some mall, his retainers fell down to first floor XD we went to pastamania for lunch then went to ninth floor (had to climb stairs cause all the lifts were so packed!) rented a room with 2 tv and 4 computers and watched stardust! it was a super cool show then halfway through the show we can hear gunshot sounds from the computer HAHA super anticlimax when it was the climax of the show, the power supply was cut cause 2 hours was up everyone's like going wth! someone who was going to shoot another person in the computer game was like complaining so we went to extend the time for one more hour but when jiacheng went to go to the counter we changed our mind so wenqian went out to tell him they stopped the person just in time, he was about to click enter and we would have to stay another hour jiacheng was saying he was about to click enter then some crazy girl started shouting at him (which was wenqian haha) then we went to play pool, well i only shot one time and it went in yay linyu jack and i went went to shop for jack's shoes then we went back when everyone's leaving for dinner i had to go so we got someone to help us take an og photo then i left it was one wacky day :P its playing on repeat... |
title: HOLIDAYS argh its been a while since i posted!
i basically wasted week2 of my holidays away watching gossipgirl and reading though i stayed home almost everyday so that i can study. in the end I DIDN'T so now i'm so hard pressed for time. luckily for polo training or else i'll be totally cut off from the social world and i'll only be able to escape this rut by reading. reading is the access to another world when you're sick of yours. but at least i got to go lunch and catch up with joy when we were leaving she dropped her green tea icecream on the side walk and it landed with a *splat* haha i still laugh when i think about it. anyway who do you think is the hottest guy in gossip girl! i thought nate at first, then dan, then CHUCK BASS ![]() ![]() well then i went for church camp the whole of the third week and kept missing the soccer matches when i stayed up to mug. can you believe it?! i mugged at church camp! and there was live telecast of euro cup and i miss it? oh well but all is not lost. i went out with my church friends before church camp and we had really great speakers at the camp and a really good comfy bed too! have you heard of richard blackaby? the famous christian book author? now have you heard of his son mike blackaby! he's a youth paster and he's only 23! he turned 23 when he was on the plane to Singapore i think. and he doesn't look like the typical pastor. [google his name] in fact he has a band the plays alternative/rock/christian music called FADINGREBEL and they're really good. and he once dyed his hair all blue, kinda something that i've always wanted to do! anyway the whole point is that i got his autograph and i'm quite happy about it and in the camp finale the mascots are supposed to dance blindfolded to whatever music was playing and my friend was dancing SO CRAZILY super buay pah sei omg. it is the bomb! she was shaking her butt at the audience at one point. SHE OWNS. my dad who was one of the helpers at the event was so worried she'll fall off the stage since she was blindfolded! anyway everyone was so entertained even the parents congratulated her. HAHA well i've been mugging very hard these days, finished GP, PW, CHINESE, CHEM (i think) gonna mug with my sec4 chem tuition later. oh and OG OUTING tommorrow! i'm so excited cause almost everyone can make it :) k gonna swim now, haven't exercised since last last friday cause of church camp :P it's an arms race |
title: yellow nail polish HAHA the funniest dream ever: "...and I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I was writing a letter in invisible ink. Then out of nowhere this really big mirror appeared in front of me and when I looked into it I saw myself as an old woman sitting on a rocking chair with 99 cats around me."
well thankfully it wasn't my dream but my friend's taken from embersoflove.lj this ain't a scene |