wanna get hugged too?
title: road to redemption ![]() ![]() okay let's blog about something happier since the previous post was quite a sad one bleah ytd was evangelical movie night and i invited CHERIE to my church to watch the show "road to redemption" *clap-clap* haha anyway we were just reminiscing about the good old days at grandma's house when cherie used to be this mischievous girl and was being such a bad influence she suggested we played with fire, i think i was rather relunctant but it turned out quite fun so cherie lit this candle and wax it to the lid of this mug-like thing and put it under the bed, shut the door and fanned the flame to make it bigger then my granny started to bang on the door (maybe she smelt smoke) so cheire used MY bolster (she claims) and sealed the gap under the door so the smoke won't escape but in the end granny busted us and cherie had to wash the lid of the mug that was covered with wax OMG its so hilarious and silly just thinking about it that was years ago when i was like in kindergarten and both of us still remember it quite vividly its such a laugh HA-HA anyway last sunday was Mark's supposed farewell but the reason for the outing did not turn up so it was just ronald who arrived early, joy who was late, brenda who was going to be late and me who was just on time i watched the dark knight, and reached home at the dead of night and walked in the rain at one point UGH cause i forgot my brolly public enemy number one is the most annoying cyy and Mtan AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!! i still remember the other day joy and i were trying to sign our signature to acknowledge our not so desired mathematics grades and the paper was under the projector so everything could be seen on the screen then we had this cheeky idea the teacher was sitting at her table in front of the screen such that her head was in front of the bottom corner of the screen so joy ran up to the projector and made her hand look like it was "grabbing" her head when it was projected on the screen oh gosh i died laughing the other day pat crashed math lesson again and got busted so she ended up having to do all the math sums we were doing but after that we skipped biology lecture and pat used her hair spray thing to style our hair its so fun i'm gonna purchase one of those :D last friday was speech day and it was kinda fun seeing all the teachers, some of my friends that are still in stmarg's and all my classmates i got to walk around in that frumpy graduation gown and see my most hated bio teacher that i haven't had the chance to diss but i'll get to do it soon someday like i'm letting go of something special |
title: BAD KARMA i think the day of my competition was the change of my fate. now i'm experiencing extreme bad karma screw 17july #1 i still felt bad about getting third, feels like something died we freaking tied with acjc how can we possibly get third, its DOWNRIGHT UNFAIR #2 i waited at the bus stop for 45min because 2 985 buses drove past without stopping #3 After quite a fun violent game of captain's ball, i realised i have a sprained thumb and a hoarse throat #4 i think i used too many Fs #5 i got into some deep shit and i can't say what cause i'm sworn to secrecy AGAIN i swear something always slips outta my mouth nowadays and i mess up once again and even if i didn't do anything i can possibly be accused of it and the best part is i won't even know! #6 i spent 2 hours after LC to help draw and cut out this chinese character "shui" for the water polo board, only to find out someone accidentally dropped it into the canal to be with the rest of the water. what can i say? #7 so i decided to calm my nerves by buying the magazine seventeen only to discover that all the major features in it were taken from the previous month's seventeen from USA, which i already read #8 lastly i realised EOM was due tomorrow and i don't even know what the heck EOM is! i stayed up till 12am and missed antm if this ain't the worst day of my life idk what is nothing can possibly get worst, i hit rock bottom. so to cheer myself up i went home early today and cut my hair SHORTSHORTSHORT :D its called the pixiecut i was hoping it looked just a teeny bit like agyness deyn i shall live today like its my last day-ay-ay |
title: EMO sigh its youth day today and one of those days i feel like i'm not really there and wanna hide away from the world. there's gonna be training daily now and school is going back to normal BLEAH went out with michelle just now for a short catch up session and looking foward to watching so you think you can dance later. well one good thing that happened today is that i saw a really really good looking guy at the bus stop :) COLLEGE day it was supposed to be class bonding time but all the different groups of peeps split up again sucks to have such a not united class the only thing we did together was watch kungfu panda in the geography room otherwise i was just hanging out with my own friends watching saints idol, eating brownies but the highlight of the day is probably haunted house it has scarred me (haha physically cause at one point someone pushed a wheel chair into my leg) it was really quite scary that even ronald who kept saying he wanted times 2 fear freaked out some rugby or soccer guys also reportedly screamed and wanna to get out so bad they spoiled a adaptor or sth HAHA so we entered the haunted house, and the door slammed shut sealing our fate my friend who was also the "tour guide" through the haunted house led us into this dimly lit room with eerie music playing in the background the story line of the haunted house is that it was a hospital that has been attacked by zombies and we had to save 2 survivals and we cannot let the zombies touch us there was like broken mirror at one point, disgusting things hanging from the ceiling (which i seriously have no interest in finding out what they were) and even dead bodies with towels over them even though i'm really sure that its just my school mates behind all this, the atmosphere was enough to psycho me into hysteria i was like yelling "what the heck am i doing here, spending three freaking bucks to scare myself" then we met our first zombie sleeping with its head on the table and a bloody hand on top of a folder then one of us was supposed to take the file so i was like ronald, you go since you wanted times 2 fear but in the end mark did it and the moment he took the file the zombie awaoke so suddenly and started yelling and waving its arms about and moving towards us then at another point, we had to walk past those "dead bodies" which were zombies that also popped out from behind their covers all of a sudden then some zombie stood right behind me really close and i screamed then the zombie went RAWRR and i screamed again then the xombie when RAWRR once more then i went HI HAHA the last part was the most terrifying part we found the 2 survivals, a nurse and a small girl the nurse put the small girl on the wheelchair and that's when the wheelchair hit my leg cause the zombies were breathing down our necks and everyone was like GO GO GO! the little girl kept calling daddy and pointing to the bed opposite which was covered with cardboard then someone had to go there and lift it up instead of volunteering ronald asked all of us to go together but once it was lifted up a zombie jumped up from the bed SO HORRIFYING, ronald was like grabbing at all of us anyway we made it to the exit and mark again volunteered to open the door and everytime he did some freaking thing that looks like a head keeps dropping from the ceiling when he tries to touch the doorknob HAHA all in all, it was a crazy day :) after that i went out with my polo friends to eat at clarke quay we ate at pepper lunch then we went to this nice place where there are chairs for sleeping to, well, SLEEP of course? then i realised pat has the same passion for fashion like me so maybe we'll both go to the same university someday even though she's migrating these days i have been doing nothing but eat sleep polo and tv watched 3 episodes of antm HA