wanna get hugged too?
title: TEACHER'S DAY hey all!
its the beginning of the september holidays and its great! i actually slept till 11+ today without feeling worried about anything. and i've recovered from my cold too! anyway it was teacher's day celebration ytd and it was fun. we had aces day or sth and there was hardly any place to move so we kept hitting each other in the wrong places whoops. then we got to watch the teacher's day performance whic h was not bad. my classmates did an item and oh gosh one of them could really sing, it was fabulous! then i went on to visit my primary school it is always fun to see mrs lee again and meet up with my cranky old friends like ian, jasmine, yungyen and david but we were missing kenneth. and i saw my brother's classmate haha, didn't see my brother tho. IAN: guess what is kenneth's cca? mrs LEE: idk IAN: have you felt tremors lately? ALL: *laugh until cannot breathe* IAN: kenneth joined hip hop! HAHA, no wonder he dress so hip lately, not bad man. so we had lunch and i ate two plates of food, the girls finished all their food and the guys didn't. we had an engaging conversation about nothing in particular with Ian trying to impress upon us his wide vocab and deep thinking just cause he takes KI. on top of that, yungyen and ian were acting like girls literally :S my primaary school friends have issues, but at least its funny i can't believe that Ian and i share the same surname so its concluded that there was a screw up somewhere in our ancestry and THERE, the result was Ian HAHA. okay i gtg now, to be continued! |
title: long-awaited post ARGH
okay so i haven't been blogging but i guess only like a small minority of people is affected since like i doubt anyone ever reads but all the same i haven't unloaded my life's events somewhere and its bugging me so here i am again and i don't even know where to start so i'm just gonna type random stuff that i recall when they hit me well its been rather stressful lately cause the PROMOS are just round the corner and guess what, i haven't even started on ANYTHING clearing my homework took longer than expected, i spent the WHOLE TERM "clearing homework" and i think i just really need a day to sleep in like TODAY gosh i seriously DO NOT feel like doing anything at all. lately my life's been revolving around allie and feeling sleepy all day. well the only thing that's keeping me going is super stylin', the seventeen fashion styling competition that i'm so gonna take part in. good for my future career (: and we've got service learning these days. our class was doing this exhibition to raise awareness about abortions and i was doing the comment board. our CT suggested we wrote comments of our own first so people will be encouraged to comment. and in the end more than half the comments were our own self praising comments. and funny stuff such as "save the babies, save RONALD" by joy and "ronald=the result of abortion" by mark who finally decided to pay us a visit (: and someone wrote "sex is" in front of brenda's "brilliant and splendid" comment. HAHAHAHA! well its been fun, at least we got to skip lots of classes! oh and to de-stress our overloaded brains, we've been watching in-house movies in the library, namely chick flicks such as FREAKY FRIDAY. its so damn funny we kept on laughing and there were like people laughing at us :| and like when joy unplugged the head set to put in our ear pieces the sound blasted out at full volume in the library for a while while joy was frantically trying to fix it. thank goodness for my sheer intelligence, i pressed the pause button and shut the damned speakers off and saved the day and more embarrassment. we're now halfway through 50 first dates. i had 2 MSA and one chem SPA and tuition on thursday which was KILLER. thank goodness for rollerblading during PE and america's next top model finale that made my miserable day somewhat better. i'm so glad saleisha won, she's such an inspiration. pat visited today and i'm still waiting for her valuable advice for super stylin' since she's attending some fashion design class already! well i haven't exercised for ages too, skipped today's again, too shagged already rawr. i'm falling asleep as i'm typing. highlights of my life is currently: teacher's day songwriting thing tmr when pat treated the polo team to ben's and jerry's (thanks!) catching up with michelle at KAP WATER POLO PRE OLYMPICS EVENTS WHERE I TOOK A PHOTO WITH DRASKO BRGULJAN ZOMG and of course the fact that i'm always getting on the wrong side of teachers lately RAPTURE embarrassing moments: unfortunately i do stupid things when i'm tired and in a daze like walking into the same wrong class twice i was so stumped i just stood there like an idiot i swear having fake rumours is better than real traumatising embarrassments ARGH emo moments: yeah i think have ): the life of a teenager is hard y'know despite all the drama delighted moments: everytime when i see... CURRENT STATE OF THE UNION HELLO... long long wavy hair that has many many red and brown highlights bohemian stuff freaky friday pretty boys HA GOODBYE... pixie cuts punked stuff abortion videos ACK dumb jocks i just realised that i haven't even blogged about sth as way back at the rapture? have i? well it was good stuff man and i got to meet up with clarissa (: (: i can't even remember if i blogged about speech day, gosh that was way back argh okay recalling stuff is not easy and this post IS getting rather lengthy. well i'm gonna grow my hair out like really long so that i don't lose my feminine charm if i have any to start with, i look like a guy sometimes. so i hereby promise myself i'll not cut my hair short out of pure impulse and rashness again. i serious want super long hair but i'm too impatient. check out www.hairfinder.com its great trust me and death cab for cutie is super not bad, but secondhand serenade is the best. by the way this week it was felly, sam and tabi's birthdays HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIENDS (: take away this jet black feeling |