wanna get hugged too?
title: term 2 D: "I love to sleep. Do you? Isn't it great? It really is the best of both worlds. You get to be alive and unconscious."
HHA from some website brenda showed me, my sentiments exactly :D well school started and thankfully its been an easy week. monday marked the end of bts and i can't believe it was just 5 days ago. time doesn't really fly that fast when you're having fun this time round which is a good thing to the ultimatum. i've just gotten down to some work because its gp (mrs kang) and its group work (with ronald). hmm on wednesday school ended earlier because geog tut was cancelled. on thursday all my tutorials were either cancelled, resheduled or shortened. so i had a 3 hour break and i ended 2.5 hours earlier. so instead of ending at 5-the longest school day-i only had a total of 2.5 hours of lesson. i spent all my time sleeping, talking, going online, playing tap tap domination and EATING. omg i kept eating i blew this weeks allowance on food alone, i'm so broke now meep. ate subway twice this week and kept eating out some more. ytd i was 45 min late for lesson at 10am (instead of service learning) overslept then traffic jam, mdm lee seemed to understand my plight for the latter reason for my latecoming so she wasn't angry. but i seriously doubt her ability to get angry anyway. service learning was cancelled cause the place we were supposedly going to didn't need us and there was some communication breakdown-by the time we found out it was too late to find another place. guess we'll do service learning in june. after class, brenda dorita cliffton and i went to cathay starbucks. brenda and i managed to find joy's birthday present there. then i met up with val and we went back to starbucks for lunch, they have this really nice chicken something and tuna something (forgot what its called), more money spent on food eeks. hmm then val and i did some uncalled for-hardcore-shopping without cash. when you don't plan to shop you'll end up shopping and vice versa. everything was on sale and there were loads of new arrivals. val ended up using nets and i winded up using val's nets too HAHA. i'm so broke its not even funny anymore. i need to ask everyone to return me the money they borrowed real soon! but it was all worth it cause i finally got the really long-ish sweater thingy i wanted half price. and i got my outfit for joy's old-school(vintage) themed birthday party tmr, so exciting! vintage is everything i'm not and when i see something that i absolutely detest, i know its vintage. but then i realised vintage is not that awful, its actually not baddd (: i guess i'm just really relieved that i won't be looking like a fashion disaster tmr yay i had trg this morning from 11am-2pm again :\ my shoulders started peeling ytd and the skin tone was rather uneven. but guess what after today's trg it evened out already. its so scorching glaring and sunny i could barely see. but at least trg has been more bearable lately. other than the time when i got hit squarely on my nose and then on my head again today. it was so frigging painful i was hurling profanities under my breath. i quickly went to the toilet to make sure my nose was still straight. so annoying! after lunching with sab and exchanging my vintage skirt for a bigger one that fits me better, i went for this university talk thing at this church near my house. Jeremiah 29:11 For i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. well i really wanna go to NTU to do arts, media and design, i think its visual arts which is what i want. now at least i have some direction and some motivation/reason to study hard. then my dad decided we'll eat seafood today even though there was no special occasion. so i got to eat shark's fin woots, kill the sharks, they're freaky (watched way too many movies about people getting eaten by sharks) :S Watch the world come alive tonight |
title: march holidays i really need to blog now now now and nothing is going to stop me.
seriously i've been trying to blog but everytime i come online i do anything but. now i'm about to explode with stuff to say haha *verbal diarrhea*. lately my mood has been really erratic and especially unstable since holidays is ending and my whole being is repulsed at the idea of going back to school. at least now i have some motivation to wake up and catch the early bus (: actually val is supposed to pop by today but there was trg, so polo mates were supposed to hang out before trg but now there's a relay that trg is optional and val made other plans so i'm slacking at home reading TWILIGHT!!!!! i got up really late today, 11am i think, slept for 12hours! hardly ever get to sleep so much so it was the top of the agenda for today's activities. well other than sleeping i've been eating, reading and blog hopping. http://ohsofickle.blogspot.com is amazing for online shopping, bet most people already know it exists. check http://vintagevinnies.blogspot.com out, support my friends' blog shop. maybe i'll open a livejournal shop someday can make $$$ + have an excuse to shop excessively :D anyway i must add that i've severe time management problems that has really made itself known this march holidays. i let time slip through my fingers without a second thought, guess it could be because i was so caught up with so many activities. but its not really a valid excuse since most of them were purely recreational! as a result biology revision was very interrupted, brief and incomplete :S playing before getting work done doesn't really prick my conscience anymore.. and i've been eating really unhealthily with no consideration of an impending sore throat. i just eat whatever i want whenever i want and i should really stop it. i watched this documentary about food and its really enlightening. wanted to write it down but it slipped my mind. turns out that high metabolism doesn't affect your size. so having high metabolic rate=being skinny is a BIG FAT MYTH! you'll only get fat if you eat more than you should. there're other stuff that i learnt: `protein diet keeps you fuller `don't over eat and skip meals later, doesn't help with weight loss `eat smaller portions each meal time and don't snack, this works better ;D `be aware of what you ate, that'll discourage you from over eating `soup makes you fuller (this is more complicated. they compared someone that simply drank a glass of water then eat a normal meal and someone that mixed the water with the food and grinded it into soup form. for the first person, the water flows through the system quickly, only the food is retained in the stomach. for the second person, food+water is retained in the person's stomach causing the person to be fuller!) `and dairy products causes more fats to be excreted, interesting right, its got something to do with the calcium it contains i think. haha but i think dieting is more effective for extremely overweight cases, exercising is still the best way of shedding the excess fat, i'll say. HAHA from michelle's blog, on the contrary i think this is very funny, especially the expression "like some useless backside" HAHAHAHA! "...then there was this guy who was farting with his hands (HAHAHA) but he was behind me so obviously i only heard the sound -->(for a while i thought the convincing sound was a real fart) so anyway i turned around to see that he was farting with his hands then i tried to restrain but he KEPT FARTING EVEN MORE HAHHAA like some useless backside so i started laughing hahahahha (shit stranger ley)..." i was laughing like a lunatic when i read it! well the last day of school before the march holidays was a good day. think its because its friday 13 again! for one trg was cancelled since the dark cumulunimbus clouds were exceptionally threatening. so we camwhored at the pool then went for a meal together before everyone left for the malaysia trip! ![]() ![]() 140309 i'd piano theory exam, the predominating reason why i wasn't at malaysia with the rest! thankfully so, some of my team mates look like surviving victims that escaped a burning building. their sunburn was horrific and most of them were peeling. my sunburn from the consecutive march holidays trgs couldn't match theirs. 150309 my mother's birthday (: i think i made her a card and got her eye mask from face shop haha. we ate at this place in take that sells really good steaks. and i ate lobster yay! but i think i was painstakingly unglam as i tried to work my way through the set-meal. 160309 went for a swim then met up with valerie and had a proper outing to town! we just walked around aimlessly and making multiple stops for food haha. chilled at wisma food republic again, think its subconciously our new "sexy corner" well saw a few familiar faces that day, typical of living in Singapore where everyone practically hangs out in town. that reminds me, i so gotta hunt down those people who owe me photos, i've got no current photos. so much for not owning a camera. camwhoring with val is so much harder now ever since she got one of those heavy professional cameras. and she named it A.J. (alexander jack) somemore, her new bf or so she claims. 170309 i'd math lecture, just one hour in the morning, massive waste of time. i braved the rain and reached school 15 minutes late. but lecture only started another 15 minutes later because of technical problems, genius. at least i didn't miss anything, but anyway there wasn't much to miss, it was awfully boring. later i met up with sab, due to unforseen circumstances (which was holiday trgs grr) we didn't get to study in kap. but i was happy to see that everyone came back from malaysia in one piece, or else i'll lose half my social life haha. so we went to macs for food, i've been eating there far too often for my liking. then we attempted to revise for bio but we kept talking and laughing it was barely possible. i doubt it'll be any better at kap. after trg i rushed to plaza singapura, cafe cartel for church class outing. i'd fun, lots of chatting and photography going on. i managed to take one of those really nice focused pro shots with julien's cam yay! then eehui complained that her food was uncooked so we got one new plate haha, we picked the most expensive one since it'll be free! but the food was not that great, i left the earliest-as usual-was really exhausted, and losing my mind gradually to much needed sleep. 180309 after trg, it was a mad rush but worth it anyway (: again, it was rather surreal.. 190309 i think i pushed myself too hard today for trg. i decided to swim 40 breadths today and i think it consumed a lot of energy. after that i goalkeeped, practised saving lobe balls while everyone took a break, and keeped again for the longest time since sab wasn't here. but at least i think i played much better and it was recognised. after a short while we played a match and i was starting to feel my energy ebbing away and i let in a shot cause i wasn't paying attention which was regrettable ): soon my will power abandoned me too and all i could think of is what i wanted to eat later, then after a while i was just thinking of how desperately i NEEDED to eat right away, and then i just became strangely sleepy very suddenly and i really couldn't focus anymore. i let in almost all the shots and max was yelling at me but my hand-eye coordination left me and i didn't even feel like treading water anymore, i just let myself sink then kick off the floor at the bottom of the pool up to breathe. It was freaky to think i almost black out in the pool and that it'll all end in that very pool HA. thankfully i made it out alive but i couldn't really walk properly. i think i really used up all the glucose in me and my blood glucose level was declining, this is where bio knowledge comes in handy heh. i ate like a glutton when i met my mother at wisma for lunch. then we had this voucher at this shoe shop so i got a new pair of mary-janes after the longest time i spent at a shoe shop and much deliberation. everytime i tried sth there was either no size or not comfortable i practically tried everything in the shop! i was so frustrated i finally relented and bought the display pair blah. after that we passed by southaven and i bought a much needed pair of black shorts (: 200309 (: match against acjc! i think we played not bad but then again it wasn't acjc's full team so can't be too complacent. they might just be trying to find out our game tactics. really hope we didn't show them all our strategies :\ and read lots of twilight as well so didn't get started on bio :P on saturday and sunday i was lying to myself each time i said i'll start bio after i finished that particular chapter of twilight. then i'll read another, and another, and another... so bio was in jeopardy. but somehow i managed to cramp all of the bio i learnt this year into my head in the morning on my way to school and the paper was actually okay! after this final paper of block test for me we headed down to suntec city for pepper lunch. after wandering about for some time in raffles city we rushed back to catch the bus transporting us to the guys A divs polo match against acjc. the guys put up a good fight but lost ): we cheered a lot for them though, i think we were really noisy and the screaming aggravated my sore throat haha. later we hitched a ride back to school in max's car for trg, so fed up with myself and all these trgs. i keep getting demoralised, then i'll self-talk and psycho myself until i feel better and my mood keeps swinging up down up down i'm going to become a mental case soon. so i keep reminding myself repeatedly, 3 more weeks to liberation and try to feel more at peace with myself. anyway this is the longest post yet, i typed for hours on end! when i started the sunlight was still streaming into my room but now its so dark outside. looks like my slacker day is drawing to an end, better get on with twilight before the last few hours of today is up. sigh secret valentine |
title: friday13 pieday marchhols |
title: peekchures a picture paints a thousand words, so this post is a few thousand words HA :D
HAHA camwhoring while helping out at cross country. i always have a bad case of messy fringe LAA!! this is the rainbow that appeared on the news, very pretty (: Glowing bacteria made by joy, brenda and me! Joy's Vday sweets. i really feel like destroying these perfect looking smileys for some odd reason :S SUNFLOWER HEH i miss long hair............. ANDDD i miss you cher! i only get to see you over webcam now BOO ): |